During the Summer Term a new girls’ toilet block was added to the side of the Vanbrugh block and the old Vanbrugh toilets were converted to an extra IT suite. A new large car park was created at the rear of the school to cope withe increasing demand for car parking for staff and visitors to the school.
In November 2004 the Government published a new strategy for the welfare of children called “Every Child Matters” The school worked hard to bring all its support and inclusion policies into line with the five identified outcomes which were seen as key in childhood and later life. These were being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being.
During the year the school began to try to improve the it’s ‘religious character’ in line with recommendation from the diocesan Section 48 Inspection. A simple cross was hung on the wall of every classroom and teaching area. This would followed up later by the placing of large photographs with biblical texts on them around the school.
In July the School in-house Crèche, which had been providing child care facilities for staff and members of public since 1989, had to close because it had become economic to run. It had operated on the ground floor of Flamsteed block in accommodation originally intended to be the offices of the Headteacher and Deputy Heads and these rooms were now converted to be used by the SEN department.
2004 saw the publication of the report from the Bichard Enquiry in the aftermath of two school girls being murdered in Soham. It has a number of recommendation relating to the safeguarding of children and the way in which staff were appointed. The Headmaster and members of the governors completed on-line training related to the recommendation.