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A history of the Greenwich Blue Coat Schools

1700 ~ 2014
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<Back Blackheath Bluecoat School 2005 - 2006

In may 2005 OFSTED returned to the school and removed it from special measures judging it to be ‘an improving school’. During the year the governing board was reconstituted with a new Instrument of Government and the school began to work towards achieving the new government Financial Management Standard in Schools (FMSiS). Another innovation was the introduction of the online SEF (Self Evlauation Form) upon which all future inspections would be based.

During the Summer holidays the school kitchens underwent major refurbishment with the installation of new equipment and extractors,together with the latest gas safety devices. The healthy eating options available through Café Blue played a major part in the school being awarded Healthy Schools’ status towards the end of the year.

Further improvements were made to the building. The drama hall floor was renewed and a dance studio was created where the old RE room (RE1) had been on the ground floor of Gordon block. This was made possible by the installation of a suite of ‘Volumetric Classrooms’ besides the gym which became the RE department. The unit consisted of four well-appointed classrooms with an office for the Head of Department.

In July 2006 the whole school was bussed to the Crystal Palace Sports Arena for a very successful Sports Day. Also during this year the school online profile  (which replaced the Annual Report to Parents) was introduced. The school had developed a very good relationship with PC Bob Pinkerton, the school’s Police Liaison Officer and during this year he presented assemblies on the dangers of knife crime. Mike Walker, who had been Premises Manager for over 30 years, retired in August.The on-site Premises Manager’s house was converted to provide accommodation to the Craft, Design & Technology department so that a Construction course could be offered.